Digital agency of
inNOVAtion and creativity

An experienced and trusted digital agency with 15 years of experience.

Do you have a product or service that is quality but not representative on the internet?

NOVA media will bring your business out of the dark. We have 15 years of experience, over 1000 completed projects and more than 300 satisfied clients to prove it.

The attention our top team pays to innovations and trends in design and development is a guarantee that your project will be a true digital refresh.


Time is money, and NOVA media will save you that time. Our mission is to help you easily present your business in an innovative and engaging way while highlighting all the benefits of your product or service. We will be there to monitor and implement design, development and social media trends for you, all with the aim of achieving a common mission - raising environmental awareness of what you have to offer. By combining the passion and experience of our team with simple client guidance, we can together achieve our online goal.


NOVA media will bring web development and online innovations that will change the way we do business in our country and beyond. The combination of the various services we offer with the dedication of our team to increase awareness of the importance of web site presentation will make us grow and prosper with our clients.

We will do our best to prove that the future of success lies in an attractive and fast website, with smart and practical applications that are at our fingertips.

Our Services

App development

One click separates you from the modern business universe. It is a click that leads to a specially developed mobile application for you!

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Web projects

Design + Development + inNOVAtion = Success
Each line of our code is an line of innovation

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Web Shop Systems

Easier than at the supermarket, and most importantly no waiting. The possibilities offered by NOVA media web shop systems are unlimited.

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Digital marketing

No like, no business strike! NOVA media will be your best influencer. We are here to understand your needs to develop an online strategy.

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Graphic design

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but also in the digital innovation we bring to you. There is not always a proverb on the internet that says not everything is in appearance.

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NOVA media can do it better. We will be your cool new colleagues and we will not sit with you in the office.

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15 +

Year of experience

1000 +

Successful projects

100 %

Delivery on time

Tools and technologies

Our multidisciplinary team provides you with a
wide range of tools and technologies.

Do you have a project
you want to talk about?


+387 66 220 336

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